Saturday, February 26, 2005


Only the admins can edit...

So I'll just start another post.

Other titles (mostly non serious) include:

We Put the Cock In Caucasian
Hot Rod This!
Takin' the Next Train To Blingsville
One Down, Nine To Go

If we're looking for someone to do some graphic design for the cover art I'd be more than willing to volunteer.

Also, I was thinking, it may be cool to come up with a title that highlights the surprising longevity of this band. I think "Selling Out For Free" doesn't go with the current look we've decided on for the cover and actually prompts the need for something comical and more illustrative.

- Dave -

Friday, February 25, 2005


Failed Album Titles

What were all our failed album titles? We has so many of them! I'll get the list started. (Ten Too Many, just hit edit on this post and add to the list!)

What's A Ska
Men, Women, Ten Too Many
Time To Go
The Winnipeg Caucasian Ska Ensemble

Thursday, February 24, 2005



<>After a year of playing shows and writing a bunch of new material, it is time to release our album! One way or another this thing is going to be pressed, and SOON! Before TTM implodes like a dying star!

Here is my little checklist!

Write music (Check)
Practice music (Check)
Record music (Check)
Mix/Master Music (Check)
Find Pressing Place (Check)
Name Album (Check)
Finish graphic design and layout (almost check)
Press Album ( )
CD release party ( )
Sell CDs ( )
Send away to college radio ( )
Post music on Itunes/Internet ( )
Get famous and spend the rest of our lives strung out and sailing the world on TTM's private Yacht

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Men, Women, Ten Too Many

I don't know how many times I've walked out of a Ten Too Many practice shaking my head and laughing at the wacky antics that have come to define our band. I've always wished there was a way to harness that energy. Some way to give even a glimpse of what it is that's kept us together for so long.

Maybe this will be it. A blog where each band member can post whatever comes to mind. Anything from shows to new songs to who's turn it is to bring snack to practice!

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